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Re: Happy 2012 Winter Solstice!

 > From: "Levy, Simon" <http://www.wlu.edu/~LevyS>
 > Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:54:26 -0500
 > > Yeah.  You may wanna listen to
 > > http://www.againstthegrain.org/program/619/coming-wed-103112 -- I seem to
 > > recall that he made a similar point
 > Thanks, that was great!  I'm gonna share it with a colleague of mine here, who 
 > holds similar view.
 > > For some reason, I didn't know that you played violin/fiddle.  That's
 > > totally cool.  I sometimes think about picking up the drums again, but I
 > > guess it has just been prioritized out of my life for the time being.
 > Yeah ... if it weren't for the Old Time music scene here, I don't think I could 
 > have stayed (rural, isolated town with very little else to do).
 > Hey, is your address still   where-I-live  ?

Yes, sir!

 > I'd like to send 
 > you a CD that I've been listening to a lot.

Cool -- appreciate it!

 > Also, if you're around this summer, I'd love to stop by for a visit.  I'm 
 > hoping to visit my sister in San Diego, then make my way up the coast to the
 > Bay Area.

We do not have any plans presently.  Please check in with us again when
your plans become more concrete.

Why do you want this page removed?