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Re: Happy 2012 Winter Solstice!

 > From: "Levy, Simon" <http://www.wlu.edu/~LevyS>
 > Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 12:18:19 -0500
 > Thanks for all your news, Robert -- it's something I look forward to every 
 > holiday season!
 > Nothing big going on here.  I'm looking forward to rotating out of the 
 > Department Head position, something I dislike because of the avalanche of 
 > make-work that's given to us by the bureaucrats who have taken over academia. (
 > I see it as part of the dismantling of the tenure system, the last viable 
 > union-like institution left in America.)

Yeah.  You may wanna listen to
http://www.againstthegrain.org/program/619/coming-wed-103112 -- I seem to
recall that he made a similar point

 > Fortunately there's been so much activity in the Old Time music scene in 
 > Rockbridge County that I decided not to go anywhere for the holidays, just stay 
 > here and play music at four different dinner/jam gatherings.  (I did see Mark 
 > Reimers over the weekend and got angry with him about keeping his house 
 > freezing-cold at night to "save energy" while he and DeAndra jet off to various 
 > vacation spots, thereby negating any savings or carbon benefit for the next 100 
 > years or so!)  So although I hardly ever buy anything other than groceries, my 
 > next big purchase is probably going to be a new fiddle (I've had the current 
 > one for eight years, and it's too quiet to play Old Time, which rarely uses 
 > amplifiers.)

For some reason, I didn't know that you played violin/fiddle.  That's
totally cool.  I sometimes think about picking up the drums again, but I
guess it has just been prioritized out of my life for the time being.

 > Anyway, give my love to Noelle, and congratulations on your new job!


Noelle's still looking for a job.  It's been hard.

 > Best,
 > Simon

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