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Re: Linux on USB?

 > From: Chris <http://www.picis.com/~Chris>
 > Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 09:48:40 -0400
 > Hi Robert,
 > I was wondering if I could install Linux Mint or Ubuntu on a USB flash drive 
 > and run it from Windows.

Coincidentally, I was just looking at this this morning.

Do a web search for unetbootin.  If you already have a USB flash drive,
you should be up-and-running in no time flat.  (I of course always
recommend Linux Mint Debian Edition (also known as Linux Mint Gnome) since
that's the most flexible.)

 > Also, I'm learning SQL and I was wondering if you ever dealt with SQL on Linux. 
 > If so, is it easy to install and use.
 > I know a little about SQL but I'm learning more about SQL statements.

"sudo aptitude install sqlite3".  Then, you should be good to go.

 > By the way, how is it going?

Fine.  Trying to help dad install Linux.

 > Later,
 > Chris

Why do you want this page removed?