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RE: Re: computer geek open to opportunities

 > From: JD Creedon via LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/~member>
 > Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:16:20 +0000 (UTC)
 > Robert-
 > glad to hear you have found a new gig. Believe it or not - I am back
 > working with Jeff Catlin at Lexalytics these days under a consulting
 > contract (biz dev) as well as another client in DC. I had this weird
 > question/problem that wont tax your MiPs but you may have an idea.
 > Ping me on my personal email - http://www.gmail.com/~jdcreedon and I can make it
 > really easy.

Sure -- what's the problem?

 > Thx
 > JD
 > PS- hoping to potentially connect to also talk about some folks at
 > MSFT that I might be able to connect Lexalytics with - we already
 > have 2 contracts/deals with 2 different mktg groups there and are
 > looking for some thoughts on who some good folks would be to connect
 > with in the Sharepoint and/or Office groups.

I definitely don't have any connections with the sharepoint people, but
some of the group that I am in will be transitioned to working under the
Office umbrella.  There probably won't be any direct connections, however.

Tomorrow is my last day there.  Have any ideas on how to best hook you up
to someone at MS?

 > On 03/16/12 5:06 PM, Robert wrote:
 > --------------------
 > Hello friends, colleagues, and connections!
 > I have accepted a position at a small start-up and will begin work later this month.
 > I would like to thank everybody who helped me with ideas, connections, and finding opportunities.  I enjoyed meeting lots of people, finding out what different people are working on and the problems they are trying to solve.  I am very pleased at how this process turned out -- I think I managed to make many new acquaintances.
 > I can still offer free computer/geeky advice, including bicycle repair.  Just tap me.

Why do you want this page removed?