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Re: [Sonic #2007878] blocked from ssh?

This has suddenly started working again.

I guess the answer is "2 days" ;-).

 > From: http://www.sonic.net/~support
 > Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:49:55 -0700
 > ** This is an automated response; there is no need to reply **
 > Sonic.net Support has received your mail regarding:
 >   blocked from ssh?
 > Your message has been received and assigned a request number 2007878.  To
 > help us track the progress of your request, we ask that you include the string
 > "Sonic #2007878" in the 'Subject' line of further mail on this topic.  For
 > example:
 > 	Subject: Re: [Sonic #2007878] blocked from ssh?
 > Our technical personnel will process your message as soon as possible; if
 > desired, you may call our support department at (707) 547-3400 or
 > 888-766-4233 between the hours of 6am and 11pm PDT Monday - Friday, or
 > 8am - 10pm PDT Saturday and Sunday. If you followup by phone, please cite this
 > ticket number so that we can close out your request.
 > Online help can be found at http://www.sonic.net/support also see our
 > Forums at https://forums.sonic.net and Frequently Asked Questions at
 > http://www.sonic.net/faq 
 > If you should resolve this issue prior to our response, please reply to this
 > ticket and let us know that it can be closed.
 > Thanks,
 > Sonic.net Support

Why do you want this page removed?