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--- Begin Message ---Title: Meetup
- From: Almaden Hiking Group <>
- Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 15:41:14 -0500
Announcing a new Meetup!Almaden Hiking Group![]()
Sunol Regional ParkAdded by sona
When: Where: RSVP: Saturday, March 24, 2012
9:30 AM Sunol Regional Wilderness
1895 Geary Road
Sunol, CA 94539
Sunol Regional Wilderness (map)Learn more
Start: At the Indian Joe Nature Trail marker by the bridge near the Sunol Regional Wilderness Visitor center
Trail: Take Indian Joe trail to Cave Rocks Road. Turn right. Take Cerro Este road to Little Yosemite. Aft...More Meetups from this group
Mar039:30 AM
Almaden Quicksilver - Webb Canyon Trail Entrance Almaden Quicksilver County Park - Webb Canyon Entrance
Webb Canyon Rd., where-I-live 95120
20 attending
Distance: 5.8 miles Elevation: 1,000 feet Difficulty: Moderate Driving Directions: From Highway 85: Exit at Camden Avenue and turn left off the freeway...… MORE
RSVP → Mar109:30 AM
Stevens Creek County Park Stevens Creek County Park
11401 Stevens Canyon Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014
2 attending
The hike should be about 6.2 miles with 1500 feet of elevation. There is one steep section about half a mile long. The rest isn't too bad. Driving directions: From I-280 in Cupertino, take the exit for Foothill Expressway and Foothill Blvd. Follo...… MORE
RSVP → Mar179:30 AM
Fremont Older Open Space Preserve Fremont Older Open Space Preserve
21990 prospect road, saratoga, CA 95070
12 attending
In spring the grasslnds along Cora Older and Hayfield trails come alive with wildflowers. Distance: 4.4 miles Vertical feet: +/- 800' Difficulty: Moderate Highlights: Wildflowers, Views Trail map:… MORE
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