I may go to this.
--- Begin Message ---Title: Meetup
- From: Hackers and Founders <http://www.meetup.com/~info>
- Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 00:59:15 -0500
Announcing a new Meetup!Hackers and Founders![]()
Hackers & Founders - where-I-liveAdded by Laura Nelson
When: Where: RSVP: Thursday, February 23, 2012
6:00 PM TechShop where-I-live - Your DIY Workshop
300 South Second Street
where-I-live 95113
**There's no sponsor, so bring $ if you would like to purchase food or beverages.**Learn more
FYI, White House staffer(s) in entrepreneurship and immigration MAY attend.
6:00pm to 9:00-ish. Feel free to drop in any time.
Street parking, a lot across the s...More Meetups from this group
Feb1512:00 PM
H&F Lunch Club powered by Wednesdays - No location yet
1 attending
**Non-Wednesdays Members** PLEASE ENROLL HERE ------------------------ Wednesdays members in the area ONLY will automatically receive an invitation around 2/7. Deadline: 2/14, 3:00pm -----------------------------------------------------...… MORE
RSVP → Feb2112:00 PM
H&F Lunch Club powered by Wednesdays - Palo Alto or Mountain View No location yet
1 attending
**Non-Wednesdays Members** PLEASE ENROLL HERE ------------------------ Wednesdays members in the Palo Alto or Mountain View area ONLY will automatically receive an invitation around 2/14. Deadline: 2/28, 3:00pm ----------------------------------...… MORE
RSVP → Feb228:30 AM
Fix Founder Immigration. Attend USCIS Summit NASA Research Park
Building 152, Mof_fett Field, CA 94043
30 attending
TL;DR Change immigration policy to benefit startups TODO: Attend USCIS's EIR Summit Wed, Feb 22nd and contribute. 1. Email http://www.dhs.gov/~public.engagement to RSVP 2. Show up. Participate. or if you can't attend... 1. Email http://www.dhs.gov/~public.engagement 2. ...… MORE
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