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RE: Cirque Touchpad

I think you're right -- it must be related to moisture somehow because
this morning, after sitting connected all night, it worked completely fine
(without having to disconnect nor reconnect).

 > From: "Terence Stephens" <http://www.cirque.com/~ts>
 > Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 09:52:06 -0700
 > If it helps, the touchpad can be disconnected & reconnected and the touchpad
 > will be compensated correctly.  I realize this isn't an ideal solution.
 > Thank you for your feedback and testing.  It has been very valuable.  I will
 > keep you updated as more options become available.
 > Terence Stephens
 > Marketing Coordinator  - Cirque Corporation 
 > www.cirque.com 
 > facebook.com/CirqueCorp
 > 801 467-1100 x3185
 > @CirqueCorp
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Terence Stephens [http://www.cirque.com/~ts] 
 > Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:29 AM
 > To: 'robert b'
 > Subject: RE: Cirque Touchpad
 > Thank you for the continued updates Robert.  The two issues you sent me are
 > both related to moisture on the touchpad.  I will keep you updated as
 > solutions become available.  
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: robert b [http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert]
 > Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7:36 PM
 > To: http://www.cirque.com/~ts
 > Subject: RE: Cirque Touchpad
 > The touchpad has started behaving strangely.
 > When I place my finger on the touchpad statically (i.e., not moving my
 > finger), the mouse cursor moves in several directions within a small area.
 > Doing the same on the laptop touchpad does not have this behavior, so I
 > don't think it's a hardware problem.
 > It is very hard to focus on buttons and hyperlinks.  Thus, I am going to
 > revert to using my old Cirque touchpad model.

Why do you want this page removed?