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RE: Cirque Touchpad

The touchpad has started behaving strangely.

When I place my finger on the touchpad statically (i.e., not moving my
finger), the mouse cursor moves in several directions within a small area.

Doing the same on the laptop touchpad does not have this behavior, so I
don't think it's a hardware problem.

It is very hard to focus on buttons and hyperlinks.  Thus, I am going to
revert to using my old Cirque touchpad model.

 > From: Robert
 > Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 11:05:34 -0800
 >  > From: "Terence Stephens" <http://www.cirque.com/~ts>
 >  > Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:17:59 -0700
 >  >
 >  > Thanks for the feedback Robert, I'm glad to hear it is working well.
 >  > 
 >  > No need to return the Smart Cat; I hope you'll enjoy using it for many
 >  > years.  Please do let me know if you have any ideas for how it could better
 >  > serve you in your work.
 > Actually, just this morning, I had a strange problem.  It started going
 > crazy when mousing around.  My hands were a little wet -- perhaps that
 > prevented it from determining how to center the mouse.
 > Here's the way it behaved: I would touch the touchpad and move to a
 > location on the screen.  Taking my finger off the touchpad caused the
 > cursor to either move up and to the left or down and to the left.
 > Unplugging it and plugging it back in fixed it.
 > I should note that I never had a problem like this with my EasyCat
 > touchpad or with my laptop's touchpad.
 > I've seen this sort of behavior with joysticks and joystick-like devices
 > years ago when the joystick adjusts itself and decides what's "center".
 > I've never seen it with a touchpad.
 > It may just be a fluke.  If it happens again, I'll send another email.
 >  > Regards,
 >  > 
 >  > Terence Stephens
 >  > Marketing Coordinator  - Cirque Corporation 
 >  > www.cirque.com 
 >  > facebook.com/CirqueCorp
 >  > 801 467-1100 x3185
 >  > @CirqueCorp

Why do you want this page removed?