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RE: Cirque Touchpad

 > From: "Terence Stephens" <http://www.cirque.com/~ts>
 > Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 09:17:59 -0700
 > Thanks for the feedback Robert, I'm glad to hear it is working well.
 > No need to return the Smart Cat; I hope you'll enjoy using it for many
 > years.  Please do let me know if you have any ideas for how it could better
 > serve you in your work.

Actually, just this morning, I had a strange problem.  It started going
crazy when mousing around.  My hands were a little wet -- perhaps that
prevented it from determining how to center the mouse.

Here's the way it behaved: I would touch the touchpad and move to a
location on the screen.  Taking my finger off the touchpad caused the
cursor to either move up and to the left or down and to the left.

Unplugging it and plugging it back in fixed it.

I should note that I never had a problem like this with my EasyCat
touchpad or with my laptop's touchpad.

I've seen this sort of behavior with joysticks and joystick-like devices
years ago when the joystick adjusts itself and decides what's "center".
I've never seen it with a touchpad.

It may just be a fluke.  If it happens again, I'll send another email.

 > Regards,
 > Terence Stephens
 > Marketing Coordinator  - Cirque Corporation 
 > www.cirque.com 
 > facebook.com/CirqueCorp
 > 801 467-1100 x3185
 > @CirqueCorp

Why do you want this page removed?