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Re: [Sonic #1965002] switching long distance and regional toll service for Fusion

 > From: "Sonic.net Tech Support" <http://www.sonic.net/~support>
 > Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 16:57:46 -0800
 > Hello,
 > Unfortunately we cannot reverse the process you initiated, so you should 
 > definitely call Credo and cancel the order ASAP. As long as that order gets 
 > canceled out right away your Fusion account phone line & internet will remain 
 > untouched. I hope that helps! If you have other questions please reply. Thanks! 

Just a clarification question: will my Fusion phone line and internet be
affected if this change to the long distance somehow doesn't get cancelled
in time?

 > Kristina M.			http://www.sonic.net/~support
 > Sonic.net Support		707.547.3400
 > Santa Rosa, CA 95407		http://www.sonic.net/support/

Why do you want this page removed?