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so, if ye get this mesg its not the end of the world, ok!?!

Enough! out with the duodecaphobia!
enter triskadecamania!!

as 4 moi:
 SOS I'm afraid. still holding down the line as rent controlled handy-dude on 
 highway 13. latest foray with linux: ubuntu!
had to use it on a "new" 2.8ghz machine donated to infoshop (still doing the "
computer janitor gig there;-) cause my flavor of windoze xp-flp 
dont support SATA:-( works fine to get on wired line. no one was using it (LH 
staff all use mac os on non-intel boxes which apple no longer supports. hows 
that for planned obsolescence?!?
they shut down all but one of the public access terms because of poor layout as 
in non moderated
as in homeless would come in and F*&K $H#T
 piss on the grave of stevie J!?>
so i borrowed it cause my stalwart win98 box that Ive been using to get online "
dialee upee
sty-lee" with magic smoked it. power connector on MB was melted, WTF? turns out 
xp-flp dont support dialup and neither does ubuntu!?(
(there may be a work-round for both with flp needing a bunch of .dll files and 
ubuntu needing some "packages" which i duly tracked down 
and installed and, after hours of "entertainment" hohoho, still no workee!! 
hahaha!! then i remembered the 1.8ghz win98
laptop with the broke keyboard in the closet 
that i had grabbed all the drivers for (prob not supported anymore:( and that 
what I'm typing 
on now.

 hey i got a viao! was "gifted 2 moi 
when previous caretaker couldn't get linux to install on it. flp works great, 
all drivers 
right out da box!! even sees the modem but still same prob, no dialup. 
apparently MS crippled it with no "?" support. any thoughts?
whats the trick for the linux install?

won free KALX psychic TV tix last week at the uptown. dunk lady friend got to 
the bullet-proof plexi before i did and started demanding said ducats under one 
of my nom-de-guares. when i handed over my passport at first door lady said i 
only had 1 ticket .
when i pointed out that KALX always gives 2 comps the bouncers came out and "
your not on the list, we're sold out and you have to get the fuck out of here 
right now" hahaha!!!
take yer uptown and shove it up yer town!!!
so moi and said lady friend went back to the
underground punkrauk noise show at RCA squat,
 not before she proclaimed "need more alcohol". hahaha,
with a glorious night of thrashing, passout and puke at 4am 4 her, next day had 
to look in mirror. " gettin little old for this eh geezzz?"
hahahhaha, na! hahahahahah!!!!!!

got free KALX tix to the end-O-world film fest at the castro tonight, "they 
live" and "miracle mile" (which i havent seen) maybe a date with above 
mentioned 4am puke gurll on this 12/21/12 
solstice, maybe even drag her to the art reception
at evergold from which attachment came.
if ye ever up in B-town stop by & say hi!!

guerrilla gardening:
developing west side of apt building. enlisted neighbors help and the rats didn'
t even eat the tomatoes this year!!!

sorry i didn't make it to yer BBQ.
would like to say i had bigger fish to fry  but you guys dont eat fish, right;?>
 (gratuitous vegan joke;-)
happy solstice 2 U & noelle!!       

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