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Re: potluck

 > From: "k" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 18:23:06 -0700
 > Hey Robert & Noelle,
 > yes!  I am having a square Birthday Party that night.  I'm 
 > not quite sure what that means, except that I'm turning 49 
 > and so, square!

Dang.  Why didn't we get a square Birthday Party at 36, 25, 16, 9, and 4?

 > It is going to be super relaxed as this year has been rough. 
 > So y'all can arrive at your leisure, the party officially 
 > starts at 8pm, but you can get here early if you want to 
 > just hang, and watch me try to prepare food; ie chips and 
 > salsa, or something.

Yeah.  Then, I can tweak your newly acquired computer.  Can't imagine that
it will take too long, 'tho -- probably 1 - 2 hours.

 > Please no gifts, but if you'd like you could bring something 
 > to nosh.


 > take care,
 > --Kathryn

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