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FW: resume

 > Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 00:46:17 -0700 (PDT)
 > From: Bill Bruns <http://profiles.yahoo.com/billbruns>
 > Hi Robert,
 > I have usually worked in small companies or small groups within companies.  I 
 > have held both development and QA titles. My combination of engineering and 
 > English skills, along with experience in multiple engineering, QA, and support 
 > roles, allows me to bridge the communications between different groups of 
 > engineers, and to present engineering information in a way that fits with the 
 > focus of management. I can talk with engineers to discover why their code 
 > performs a certain way in QA; I can translate development notes into 
 > installation and troubleshooting guides for those outside of the development 
 > team; and I can present engineering information from the viewpoint of company 
 > and customer goals. My understanding of both Engineering and Customer 
 > viewpoints enables me to point out inconsistencies that are overlooked by most 
 > folks.  Some examples: unfriendly features that have been overlooked by 
 > engineers such as lack of a cursor in the obvious fields when
 >  a page first appears; inability to process phone numbers that include normal 
 >  punctuation such as dashes; poor color contrast on pages from well known web 
 >  sites; and other, more subtle issues.  I look forward to the opportunity to 
 >  use these skills for the benefit of Edge Spring.
 > My resume is attached as an MS Word document.
 > Please let me know if more is needed.
 > Thanks for the opportunity!
 > Bill Bruns

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