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Re: Canceled:Yoga Hike-9/15 (fwd)

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 08:52:01 -0700 (PDT)
 > why did I get this today?

Particularly strange is why the subject says "9/15" and the body says "9/29".

Somebody's lying.

 >  > From: "Nancy Britton" <http://www.gmail.com/~nanbrit10>
 >  > Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 09:00:09 -0400 (EDT)
 >  > 
 >  > In order to see your message, click on the following link: 
 >  > http://track.namastelight.com/v/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad929f0c9baed33abfd6
 >  > 
 >  >  image
 >  > 
 >  >  9/29 Hike- Canceled
 >  > 
 >  >  Due to very full schedules, the hike for 9/29 will be canceled. Please do 
 >  >  find a way to get out and make you own connection to Nature.
 >  >  We will miss you and look forward to seeing you on the 10/13 Hike.
 >  > 
 >  >  Directions to Villa Montalvo
 >  > 
 >  >  Map
 >  > 
 >  >  Hwy 280 North to Hwy 17 South. Take the second Los Gatos Exit (Los Gatos, 
 >  >  Saratoga, Hwy 9). Continue  miles. Turn left onto Montalvo Road. 
 >  >  Continue 1 mile to Montalvo grounds.
 >  > 
 >  >  divider
 >  > 
 >  >  Private Yoga Hikes
 >  > 
 >  >  image
 >  > 
 >  >  Private, group or corporate hikes can be arranged.
 >  >  For more details, contact Nancy at:
 >  >  http://www.gmail.com/~nanbrit10 ,http://www.gmail.com/~nanbrit10?body=from%20newsletter,
 >  > 
 >  >  Yoga Hike gift certificates available
 >  >  Great gift for the outdoor or yoga enthusiast.
 >  >  Schedule of Fall Hikes
 >  >  September 29- canceled
 >  >  October 13
 >  >  October 27
 >  >  November 10
 >  >  November 24
 >  >  Cost is $15
 >  >  Payment may be made in person, the day of the hike, or payment can be made 
 >  >  with credit card or PayPal at:
 >  >  www.moonshadowyoga.com/Yoga_Hikes.html ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a7a4708101ff4f7e34
 >  >  ,
 >  >  For reservations & questions, contact Nancy at:
 >  >  http://www.gmail.com/~nanbrit10 ,http://www.gmail.com/~nanbrit10?body=From%20newsletter,
 >  > 
 >  >  divider Hike Basics-what to expect:
 >  >  All Hikes meet at Villa Montalvo
 >  >  in Saratoga at 9:30am
 >  >  Reservations are required
 >  >  ~please try to arrive early
 >  >  ~we meet in Lot 3 , by the Carriage House & Box Office- here is a link for 
 >  >  the map:   
 >  >  http://media.montalvoarts.org/uploads/documents/2007/November/MACguide080627.pdf
 >  >   ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a74d66797e992c
 >  >  ,
 >  >  ~If the lot is closed for a wedding, we will be at Lot 4.
 >  >  ~the hike will last about 2 to 2 1/2 hours
 >  >  ~the first half hour of hiking is mostly uphill
 >  >  ~you will be expected to walk at a pace that is        comfortable for you
 >  >  ~yoga poses are suitable for all levels
 >  >  ~yoga mats are not needed
 >  >  ~we will stop periodically to practice some yoga poses & mindfulness
 >  >  ~some portions of the hike will be silent
 >  >  ~there will be a meditation toward the end
 >  >  ~dress in layers, most of the hike is under the canopy of trees
 >  >  ~bring water, a snack if you think that you will need it
 >  >  And, in order to keep the hike more manageable & personal,we have decided 
 >  >  to limit the number of hikers to 15.
 >  >  So, if you are wanting to join us, we recommend that you make your 
 >  >  reservations as soon as possible.
 >  >  When making your reservation, please give us your phone number.
 >  > 
 >  >  divider
 >  > 
 >  >  Planting Trees
 >  > 
 >  >  image Thought that you would like to know:
 >  >  That through my Newsletter provider, NamasteLight, every time I send out a 
 >  >  group of emails, they plant a tree.
 >  >  So far this year, they have planted 23,000 trees. (no, I did not send out 
 >  >  that many newsletters)
 >  >  Their goal for the year is 100,000.
 >  >  For more info:
 >  >  www.namastelight.com/our-tree-planting-mission ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a7b80059fdea80ba3b
 >  >  ,
 >  > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 >  > 
 >  >  For more information on my other offerings, please go to my website:
 >  > 
 >  >  www.moonshadowyoga.com ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a7412c1e221d94a7
 >  >  ,
 >  > 
 >  >  Please "friend" me on Facebook at:
 >  >  www.facebook.com/NanBrit ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a75bde8efcd451
 >  >  ,
 >  >  We will never share, rent or sell your personal information to third 
 >  >  parties.
 >  >  Subscribe ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/s/443/89ac90b3e1c46f5f170417e7dd71d3c8
 >  >  ,   /   Unsubscribe From This List ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/u/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad929f0c9baed33abfd6
 >  >  ,   /   Unsubscribe From ALL LISTS ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/gu/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad929f0c9baed33abfd6
 >  >  ,
 >  >  NamasteLight ,
 >  >  http://track.namastelight.com/c/443/dbc47431e8c0341681fc78b104caad927884c25a3c9e75a7bb009767bbaa9989
 >  >  ,

Why do you want this page removed?