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New comment on "Maybe you should change name to Coding Sleuths. E at the end is not necessary. See link:" (fwd)

 > Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:05:45 +0000 (UTC)
 > From: Coding Sleuthes <http://www.linkedin.com/~groups-noreply>
 > LinkedIn
 > ------------
 > "Ok. Now after 2 votes for using spell check and Webster's spelling and only 
 > my vote for I thought it looked better --   I will officially change the 
 > spelling by end of day!!!!
 > AND  I am nominating Noelle and Deborah to be guardians of proper format and 
 > spelling for website.  Hmmmm....I'm visioning maybe a weekly Medical Vocab 
 > test with rarely used or obscure Medical terms or something fun like that. 
 > The Poll format would work for a multiple choice.  Any takers for next week?"

Why do you want this page removed?