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invite flyers

OK, I printed out 6 flyers for you:

 * The Brits
 * Ron and I-always-forget-her-name next store
 * Amy and Jacob
 * Frances and what's-his-name
 * People in the green house
 * Carissa and Elijah [Mohammed]

I also attached the flyer in case you wanna print more up.
Title: Robert and Noelle's potluck
Robert and Noelle's potluck



Where: Robert and Noelle's
When: 8/25/2012 2pm
What: Let's get together again
Food to bring: Food to share
Last date to reply: 8/25/2012
Contact: 408-294-4687 (40-TAXI-HOUSE)

click to email host

Your reply:
Maybe No Yes
Your name:
Guests coming (incl.yourself) :
Food you will bring :

Invited guests: Coming:
Undecided No Yes
(looked July 28, 2012 - 01:08 PM)Noelle (July 28, 2012 - 12:08 PM)
Food bringing: beer
Robert (July 28, 2012 - 12:07 PM)
Comment: yum
Food bringing: dessert
Page #1 of 1
Undecided : 1 No : 0 Yes : 2 Total guests : 2
Invitation 1.0 :: admin

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