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FW: Please submit a review of Bay Sail on San Francisco Bay.

 > From: Zerve Reviews <http://www.zerve.com/~reviews>
 > Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:18:02 -0400 (EDT)
 > You recently had tickets for Bay Sail on San Francisco Bay, provided
 > by AdventureCat. We hope you enjoyed this activity, and now we'd like
 > to ask you a favor on behalf of future customers.
 > In order to help our customers make informed decisions, Zerve asks
 > each buyer to provide a quick review after an activity takes
 > place. It only takes a minute to provide your review, but your
 > feedback will be extremely valuable to others that consider buying
 > this activity in the future. You can submit a review by clicking on
 > the following link:
 > http://www.zerve.com/review/1126714/701YJ
 > Here's what your review will do, and why we're asking you for this
 > feedback:
 > - Helps future customers decide whether to take this same activity,
 > by allowing them to read reviews from previous buyers.
 > - Helps sellers understand what their customers think, and helps them
 > sell more tickets if you enjoyed this activity.
 > Thank you so much for your time, it is greatly appreciated.
 > As always, feel free to call or email with any thoughts or questions.
 > Zerve Customer Service
 > http://www.zerve.com/~service
 > (212) 209-3370

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