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RE: Thanks for the postcard! (fwd)

Anastasia still owns house in Portland,wants to sell.
Not sure if your parents are interested, but forwarding to yr mom.

 > From: <http://www.relaxingrex.com/~mail>
 > To: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg
 > Subject: RE: Thanks for the postcard!
 > Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 11:21:45 -0700
 >  Wow.  We  still  have  a  gorgeous  Victorian  house  in  Portland,  
 >  located
 >  downtown  within  easy  walking  distance  to  restaurants,  the  movies,  
 >  etc.
 >  We  tried  to  sell  it  but  the  market  crashed  and  we've  had  to  
 >  rent  out  the
 >  whole  time  we've  been  gone.  Now  the  tenant  is  on  a  rent-to-own  
 >  plan  with
 >  us,  but  he  keeps  sending  in  the  extra  payments  late,  way  late,  
 >  and  then
 >  he's  supposed  to  be  able  to  get  a  mortgage  after  a  certain  
 >  amount  of
 >  time.  We're  afraid  that  he  won't  be  able  to  and  he'll  have  to  
 >  move  out
 >  and  cancel  the  sale,  then  we're  screwed  because  we'll  have  to  
 >  pay  our
 >  rent  here  and  our  mortgage  there  until  we  can  rent  it  or  sell  
 >  it.  It
 >  would  be  awesome  if  your  in-laws  were  interested  in  buying  if  
 >  our  tenant
 >  defaults! 
 >  --------  Original  Message  --------
 >  Subject:  Re:  Thanks  for  the  postcard!
 >  From:  Noelle  <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 >  Date:  Fri,  June  29,  2012  6:19  am
 >  To:  http://www.relaxingrex.com/~mail
 >  On  Thu,  28  Jun  2012,  http://www.relaxingrex.com/~mail  wrote:
 >  >  I  haven't  made  my  postcards  yet,  it'll  be  a  little  while...
 >  > 
 >  >  I'll  be  at  Biscuits  on  Saturday.  I  should  be  there  around  
 >  >  noonish  and  I
 >  >  have  a  scheduled  appt  at  1pm,  but  nothing  else.  So  I'll  just  
 >  >  have  to  see
 >  >  how  it  goes.  Jim  will  be  down  in  SJ  a  little  later  in  the  
 >  >  afternoon  and
 >  >  be  there  until  the  evening  doing  some  weird  Navy  thing  
 >  >  involving  a
 >  >  soccer  game  or  something.  I  don't  have  to  have  any  part  of  
 >  >  it,
 >  >  thankfully.  You  can  pop  by  some  time  after  2pm  or  so  and  
 >  >  come  see  me!  I
 >  >  need  to  buy  some  tofu,  too.
 >  OK!
 >  I'm  taking  Robert  to  a  yoga  class  at  10  and  then  he  may  need  
 >  to  take  his
 >  bike  in  to  get  fixed(after  11:30).
 >  I  was  talking  to  my  mom-in-law  and  they  are  considering  moving  
 >  to 
 >  Portland,  ME!  They  are  researching  where  they  can  live.  I  know  
 >  you
 >  didn't 
 >  like  the  winters  but  they  have  lived  in  New  England  for  the  
 >  majority  of 
 >  their  lives  and  they  might  find  it  nicer  than  inland  .
 >  see  ya
 >  Noelle
 >  > 
 >  >  Anastasia  Lang,  CMP
 >  >  Relaxing  Rex  Canine  Massage

Why do you want this page removed?