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Thanks for the postcard! (fwd)


 > From: <http://www.relaxingrex.com/~mail>
 > To: "Noelle" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 22:01:12 -0700
 >  I  haven't  made  my  postcards  yet,  it'll  be  a  little  while...
 >  I'll  be  at  Biscuits  on  Saturday.  I  should  be  there  around  
 >  noonish  and  I
 >  have  a  scheduled  appt  at  1pm,  but  nothing  else.  So  I'll  just  
 >  have  to  see
 >  how  it  goes.  Jim  will  be  down  in  SJ  a  little  later  in  the  
 >  afternoon  and
 >  be  there  until  the  evening  doing  some  weird  Navy  thing  involving  
 >  a
 >  soccer  game  or  something.  I  don't  have  to  have  any  part  of  it,
 >  thankfully.  You  can  pop  by  some  time  after  2pm  or  so  and  come  
 >  see  me!  I
 >  need  to  buy  some  tofu,  too.

Why do you want this page removed?