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Re: total spent per year

 > From: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert (Robert)
 > Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 09:47:08 -0800
 > Actually, this last year has only been $3542/month (excluding the
 > above-mentioned lawn replacement).
 > It looks like, for the biggest expense, monthly mortgage payment and
 > property taxes, I spend $1554/month -- a little over half the total spent
 > per month.
 > So, spending's been lesser overall this year.

These last 3 months (since my layoff), I spent about $3389 per month.
Which is within the above limits.

Which is good.

It would, of course, help if Blue Cross Blue Shield paid my claims towards
my deductible.  That may essentially be the equivalent of paying

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