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Re: sorry to miss the party

 > From: "k" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 17:15:05 -0700
 > Robert,
 > I thought I'd let you know that I am sorry I miss your
 > party.  My mom has been moved (temporarily?) to an Acute
 > After-care center to see if physical therapy will help her
 > in not falling.  I have been commuting back and forth to San
 > Leandro and Fremont way too much this past week!  Today, by
 > the time I had visited my mom and got her mail from her
 > place, it was 4pm.
 > It is weird, three days ago when I saw her it seemed like
 > she could die at any time, and today she seemed a lot
 > better.  I just don't know how this is going to go.  I do
 > hope this stabilizes sometime soon.
 > Let's make a date for dinner some time, okay?

OK.  According to my calendar, from June 30 onward, we have weekends free.

Also, we'll probably have another event again -- a date has yet to be
determined, however.

 > Take care,
 > --Kathryn

Why do you want this page removed?