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RE: Macrosoft insurance conversion

 > From: Aarti Gupta via LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/~member>
 > Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 21:20:46 +0000 (UTC)
 > Sure. I can ask HR and get the info.
 > is this the form though?
 > http://www.prudential.com/media/managed/LTD-Conversion-Kit_No_VA_SD.pdf
 > I am sorry I didn't understand what is page 14 of the link you sent. The link has a bunch of more links to forms...

Sorry, yeah, I meant page 14 of the above document.

Kudos for figuring it out!

Thanks again!  I really appreciate it!

 > Aarti
 > On 05/24/12 6:35 AM, Robert wrote:
 > --------------------
 > Hi, Aarti.  Hope you're doing well.
 > I was thinking of contacting Josh about this, but it looks like they've already moved to 24/7.  So, I'm not sure he could still help me.
 > I am trying to convert my Macrosoft Long-Term Disability insurance (LTD) coverage.  Macrosoft was supposed to send some information directly to Prudential, but they never received it.  In particular, I need someone at Macrosoft to fill out the form and either send it directly to Prudential or to me.
 > The form in question is page 14 of http://www.prudential.com/view/page/public/12265 .
 > Would you be able to help me figure out who should fill this out?  I was told that they need to receive the form by May 31.
 > Thanks, Aarti -- I really appreciate any help/direction.

Why do you want this page removed?