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Re: from Gail

See below...

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 14:35:11 -0700
 > Hi Robert,
 > During the last few days I have had computer problems and just got it fixed 
 > now. As a result of the problem, I lost all my InBox email of 2012 to date and 
 > no way to retrieve it. This year in the past months you have kindly sent me 
 > either directly or through LinkedIn several emails I think about job hunting. 
 > Unfortunately at the time, I didn't have time to read them as I receive so many 
 > emails per day - a lot of which are political. If you can recreate what you 
 > sent me perhaps through your Sent box, can you please resend me those emails (
 > that I didn't already respond back to you about which meant that I did read 
 > those).

You should be able to go to http://linkedin.com and look in your
"Messages".  All my messages should still be there.

More below...

 > >From the Nerds to the Rescue tech guy, I learned the hard way that one is 
 > >supposed to not keep more than 200-300 emails in one's InBox, Sent, or Delete 
 > >areas. The Nerd tech guy was able to save and put into an archive folder all 
 > >of my InBox email from 12/31/11 and prior as well as all of my Sent email also 
 > >now archived in a separate folder. I didn't realize that by putting email into 
 > >folders, then it doesn't matter how many there are. Fortunately I didn't have 
 > >many in the Delete area as normally I permanently delete things when I am 
 > >finished with them and don't want to refer to them again.
 > In advance, thank you very much for doing this for me as I do want to read them 
 > sometime when I have time.
 > Best,
 > Gail
 > P.S. If you change your email address now that you have a new job, please let 
 > us know your new email address.

I generally don't give out my work email address -- continue to use this
email address.

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