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Re: hi

I had a dream (or a nightmare?) that I was visiting some place and we
(don't know who else was with me) drove to a "beach".  There were warnings
not to go near the beach.  When we arrived, it wasn't really a beach like
I'd ever seen.  It was all chiseled stone.  And, instead of water, there
was mud.  Big waves of mud were coming in and a massive one came in and
surpassed this big rock and I thought it was going to reach us -- it
didn't.  The original plan was to drive along the "beach", but it was
blocked off and we surmised that the road would've been flooded with mud
anyway and agreed it was a bad idea.

That's all.  Don't know what it means.

 > From: marnie br <http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie>
 > Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 07:59:28 -0500
 > anyway,,,,, I just woke from a dream about this guy with short it was
 > blondish(flat color, not "gold" blond) (also his energy felt very
 > organized like a german decent?)/ hair, mom was interviewing him,
 > there was loud music and crowd/people noises, like it was a
 > celebration; I was sitting at the table and another person, darker
 > with black hair was also at the table..this "blondish" hair color guy
 > was saying how his company is working together(not one person had
 > final say on anything, very innovative) and gave some hints to the
 > black haired guy during the interview and then came closer to me and
 > wrote some sort of outline on the paper for me to follow; not sure
 > what the outline said but it seemed very helpful in organizing my life
 > and it made complete sense...there was a way to organize the things in
 > my life without directly organizing them; working around it to get to
 > the actual source to organize.
 > This may be a bunch of words here, afterall it was just a dream; but
 > it left me with a great feeling of inspiration and believing and
 > thinking beyond limited reality and outside the box so to speak..
 > Take care and do with it what you will or will not!
 > Love Compassion Respect
 > ~Marnie
 > (ps I had meditated before going back to sleep)
 > On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 7:05 AM, marnie br <http://www.gmail.com/~369marnie> wrote:
 > > Is this new company you 'may' join have a new concept of no bosses?
 > > where the very few employees collaborate together and do not have on
 > > person running the company?

Why do you want this page removed?