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hair dresser networking

 > From: Noelle <noelle>
 > Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 15:18:17 -0700 (PDT)
 > Lonnie said I didn't need to pay him a tip, he is always so nice to
 > me. And he said if I have a job interview he would spruce up my hair
 > before that for free.
 > PS Lonnie keeps asking me how the morale at Macrosoft is, he thinks we are
 > the same person?

Have you considered asking Lonnie whether he knows anybody in the medical
field?  Seems like he's a talkative kinda guy and may know a lot of people

Also, maybe, on my behalf, you could ask him if he knows of any computer
companies that are hiring people?

Why do you want this page removed?