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Re: Fw: [Fr-Pro] Desired to read Wonderware Intouch training material

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 08:43:40 -0800 (PST)
 > from someone on meetings team. not sure if you know about this, but in case you 
 > are.

PLCs sound like hardware (something-logic-controllers, maybe?), so "no".

 > ----- Forwarded Message -----
 > >From: Ralph <http://www.comcast.net/~ralph>
 > >To: http://www.yahoogroups.com/~FriendsOfProMatch 
 > >Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 1:49 PM
 > >Subject: [Fr-Pro] Desired to read Wonderware Intouch training material
 > > 
 > >
 > >  
 > >I am an electrical engineer with a history of working with PLCs.  I found a 
 > >lesson about Intouch and other Wonderware software tools.  These lessons  are 
 > >not very deep.  I would like to read and study more complete information.  
 > >Wonderware sells classes to their tools and use it as a major revenue source.  
 > >As a result very little material can be found at Amazon.com etc.  A source 
 > >would be individuals who have taken their classes and are willing to share the 
 > >literature they receive through the class with me.  My intent is borrow the 
 > >material long enough to copy it a Kinkos etc.  I will not have the material 
 > >more than a couple of hours.  I hope you can and are willing to help.  I can 
 > >meet you at work and return it to you there, any where in bay area.
 > >Please or phone or email.
 > >953-311-9617
 > >http://www.comcast.net/~ralph

Why do you want this page removed?