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Re: Fwd: Lyndon State College VT

Did Nick ever read any of the book I gave him for x-mas "Life-Altering
Choices Graduates Encounter: Money, Relationships, Time, & Values"?  It
may help in making his decision (that's really the point of the book).

 > From: "Flora " <http://www.dps.state.vt.us/~f>
 > Date: January 20, 2012 7:16:44 AM EST
 > To: <http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl>
 > Subject: RE: Lyndon State College VT
 > Okay. Talk to you Sunday.
 > From: http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl [http://www.juno.com/~bhavaniowl] 
 > Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 5:57 AM
 > To: Flora 
 > Subject: Re: Lyndon Sate College VT
 > Hi again-
 > I go tonight and tomorrow for a workshop(Holotrophic Breathwork) in Belmont 
 > so I won't be able to speak with you until Sunday.  I wanted to talk with you 
 > from our perspective supporting this whole process with Nick!
 > My personal suggestion is that just Nick and you meet with the Transitional 
 > Counselor  It's so important that Nick knows  he needs to decide- certainly 
 > with professional input - to take the take the lead to decide his future.  
 > This may be a good way to mention this to him- you know him best.  I 
 > understand he needs a lot of guidance but it is obvious he can be more 
 > independent  For example when he was left for the Summer and Fall programs he 
 > attended.
 > Love,
 > Mom
 >  http://www.lyndonstate.edu/
 > http://catalog.lyndonstate.edu/content.php?catoid=15&navoid=255
 > http://catalog.lyndonstate.edu/content.php?catoid=15&navoid=263

Why do you want this page removed?