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Re: Happy 2011 Winter Solstice!

Hi Robert,
As always, it is nice to hear from you!

I'm still working for Ab Initio Software in Lexington, MA, and living in
Newton, walking distance from my in-laws, and now from my two grown boys.
The older one is a high-school Math teacher, and the younger is an
Activities person in a nursing home.  Both are nice guys whose company we
enjoy whenever we can.  Our daughter is a Junior in college (and is also a
lovely person, if I say so myself).

We installed solar panels on our roof last year, and have just completed
our first year as net energy producers.  It will take another six years for
the system to pay for itself, but between it and our rain-water collection
barrel we are edging off the grid.  Claudette's poultry (for eggs) gave
this trend an extra accent.

We continue to dance at MIT on Wednesday nights, and recently started doing
"Zumba", which is a dance-exercise class.  Claudette is in two book reading
groups, and I'm in one of them with her.  She is also editing a book on an
obscure syndrome.  We are both active in our prayer cooperative.

May Noelle find a good job, and may your brother be happy in his marriage.
Wishing you all a wonderful upcoming equinox, and altogether a great new



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