i might go to this ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:26:07 -0700 From: http://www.foryourjourney.com/~donna To: http://www.foryourjourney.com/~Donna Subject: Women's Empowerment Group Mtg Thurs 3/20/08 Hello Ladies, Just a quick reminder that we will be having our Women's Empowerment Group meeting this Thursday, 3/20/08 from 6pm-7:30pm. The meetings so far have been quite inspirational and uplifting. So if you can make it, I would love to have you join us! Our next meetings are Thursday, 4/3/08 and Thursday, 4/17/08. Simply join us at your convenience and just pay a $30 drop-in fee. If you need directions, please let me know. Hope to see you! Donna :) cell 408-507-5606 -- Donna Lopez Empowerment Life Coach 408.947.1508For Your Journey http://www.foryourjourney.com http://www.foryourjourney.com/~donna
"Inspiring people to become empowered"