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Re: of kitties and homes

 > From: "k" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 18:53:25 -0800
 > ack!  choices, you want me to have choices?  
 > well since you asked, stuff for scratch cooking would be
 > cool.  one night i'm going to visit my mother in fremont, so
 > that's one night i won't cook.   
 > so probably garlic, onion, some veggie (kale or broccoli
 > or...) and tempeh.  i was going to bring some snackish from
 > trader joe's, so don't worry about that.  i'm not that
 > picky, but no liver, i hate liver.  
 > so i'm thinking of coming down after work on thursday and
 > that would mean arriving around 4 or 4:30 or so.  is there
 > anything else i need to know?  hidden alarms or booby traps
 > or whatnot?

Here's the comprehensive list.  BTW, our address is 

. @ Jackson
our-San-Jose-phone-number (the wired phone here)

Noelle will bring her cell phone (yep, cell phone), but we don't know if
it'll work where we'll be.  Its number is our-Oakland-cell-phone-number.  The number at the
hotel we'll be staying at is 760-647-6543.

Have fun while you're here!


* Water the plants on the front porch, patio in the back and the plant
  next to the tortoise.  Water the peppers by the fence.  Water plants
  inside (there's a small watering can on the shelf).
* Don't plug in the cat waterer because it's broken. you can just put
  water from the faucet in it.  IF there's still some wet cat food in the
  fridge give it to her.
* Cat food is in the white bucket in the kitchen.  Ants are ambundant.
  Please keep the cover on tight.
* It's probably good to keep Dolly out during the day and inside at
* If you need to clean out the litter box, throw out the stuff in the far
  back of the yard near the burned barn (see the pile of sawdust stuff).
* Netflix DVDs will arrive.  Feel free to see them on the TV in the front
  room, but please don't mail back -- we'll see 'em when we get back.
* We have non-Netflix DVDs and videos you can watch if you want (we don't
  have cable).
* Put mail in the basket next to the front door the newspaper will be
  delivered in front.
* We'll set up the hide-a-bed in the front room for you.  We hope this
  will be comfortable for you.  More blankets may be available in the
  closets in the hallway.
* Feel free to eat any of the food in the kitchen.  Go wild.
* We don't carry coffee.  Banana Crepe, down the street at N 5th &
  Jackson, sells coffee.  I don't think it opens until 8am.
* There is a liquor store at the corner of Taylor and . (north of
  our place) which carries some food items & toiletries.
* Dr. Bronner's is the soap-of-choice in shower.  You can use the bar on
  the sink if you'd like that better.
* There's no need to shut the computers off -- I leave 'em on.  You can
  use Noelle's computer (the one with the flat screen and the normal
  keyboard).  It's a Mac.
* We'll try to remember to leave you a VTA pass.  It should be good for
  buses and the light rail.  Look at http://transit.511.org to plan any
  public transit trips.  http://local.yahoo.com might be a good guide
  to restaurants, stores, whatever.  I know http://bayareaveg.org has
  a good restaurant guide.

 > --kathryn
 > katciao
 > Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)

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