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Re: of kitties and homes

 > From: "k" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 17:15:08 -0800
 > hey there,
 > the apple farm was great.  not too hot, but lots of apples
 > (work!) and poison oak.  i'm lucky i didn't get any, though.
 > (p.o. that is).
 > the 28th to the 1st, that's thursday to sunday, right?


 > i
 > think i could do that.  i might take that friday off so i
 > don't have to try to commute to alameda friday morning.
 > probably i'd arrive thurs. afternoon after my job.

Cool.  We'll have to get a key to you.  Or else hide it somewhere where
you could pick it up.

 > let's say yes, unless an emergency happens.

Great!  I found this web page


which says that they charge $20/day for housesitting.  Would that be
sufficient payment?  We could also fill the frig.

 > so how are you both?

I'm OK.  Thankfully, I've been having to work less lately.

Noelle can fill you in on her state.

We're listening to Jello at the HackCon festival.  Pretty funny and
informative, as usual.

 > and where is it you are going?

Mono Lake.  We're going on a hike.  Maybe Noelle will fill you in on those

 > --k
 > katciao

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