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Re: phone support coverage?

 > From: http://www.outformations.com/~dek
 > Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 21:57:17 -0700
 > Hey Robert,
 >         How is it going?

Pretty good.  So, far.

 > Where are you working now?

An outfit in Mountain View.  My previous company laid me off back in
April; got this job the week after.

 >         I'm going out of town Aug 25th through Sept. 5th for Burning Man.
 > Wondering if you can be available as 2nd tier phone coverage during that
 > time?  I have not had any issues on my Linux systems or with email, but it
 > would help folks rest easier if they could call you if by chance something
 > comes up.  I have a fairly knowledgeable Linux person as 1st tier support,
 > so I don't think you will get any calls if you are available.  I'd also
 > like to take you to dinner as a thank you for coverage.

Sure, can do.  My work phone is my-April-2006-direct-work-number and my home phone is still
our-San-Jose-phone-number and voicemail at my-Oakland-voicemail-number.  (I need to get a cell phone at
some point...)

 > Do you have any
 > free nights the 2nd week of Sept?

According to my schedule, I should be free, 'though I may go to a Silicon
Valley Linux Users Group meeting on Sept 6.  (BTW, we use primarily Solaris at
my work.  Which is interesting.)

Why do you want this page removed?