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New contact information (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 14:38:37 -0400
From: Heather <http://www.allegheny.edu/~h>

Dear All,

Here is my new contact information for Ca.  The e-mail account works 
starting now, as my Allegheny acc't will be
disconnected starting 7/25.

My current telephone (land line) will be valid through 7/25 as well: (369) 

Afterwards you can reach me on my cell at:  (369) 959-9870.

Address:  904 Senaxyva Nir.
Zbhagnva Ivrj, PN  49596-6459

Email: http://www.gmail.com/~h40
(I will have a Stanford acc't in Sept.)



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