Dear Robert, Hello and thank you for your interest in In regards to your inquiry, we are still in the process of changing our web site, which would probably account for the problem you had when trying to access Sovex's info. We do carry Sovex products, and this link will direct you to information on Sovex, and how to access pages to Sovex's other products. I realize that this is the same link as posted above in your subject, but if you try it from our email, it should go through as I had no trouble opening the page. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again, and we apologize for the trouble you were having on our site. Thank you for your inquiry. Nicole Maddalo Customer Service Department MBOX-Line: From Thu Sep 10 11:39:39 1998 From: (robert) Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:39:36 -0400 To: Subject: Hi. Do you no longer sell Sovex products? (See above URL.) --