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Re: From eRideShare member hk_carpool

> Date: Friday, December 7, 2012, 2:37 PM
> From: hk_carpool
> To: robertnokidding
>  Message: hi, i drive moday-friday from where-I-live to san
> mateo and drive back from san mateo to where-I-live, 
> i am looking for carpool friend, i drive, we can share the
> gas, if you like text me or call me after 5 pm 408 607 7750

Hey.  Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.

I have an arrangement with my work to commute only 3 days per week.  So, things have become better and it's not as bad.

Also, I've been finding that it's useful to get exercise on those 3 days when getting myself to public transit (via bicycling or walking).

Thus, I am in less need of a ride-share/carpool at the moment.

Thanks for replying and good luck in your search for a carpool mate!

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