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from Gail further re: New Year's Eve and when we are in where-I-live (fwd)

 > From: "Gail" <http://www.cox.net/~g3>
 > To: "Noelle" <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 19:56:52 -0800
 > Hi Noelle, 
 > Bill Poulis happened to mention to me today on the phone that he and 
 > Lynnette are going to the Greek Church (up near where Don used to live) for 
 > New Year's Eve for only $45./person with a really great prime rib dinner (
 > that I think he is helping to cook) and Greek and American dancing by a DJ. 
 > He suggested that you might like to attend since you know them and with 
 > perhaps one of your friends that you know in this area. He said much of the 
 > Greek dancing is line dancing so you don't have to have a male partner to 
 > dance with for at least that portion. I'm telling this to you now because 
 > the RSVP deadline date is 12/21, so you would have to let us know if you 
 > would like to do that so we can tell Bill or find out who to RSVP to. It 
 > might be a fun more casual folk type of thing to do.
 > The other thing is that while we are in where-I-live a situation suddenly arose 
 > that I would like to spend some time shopping in that area for navy blue 
 > women's ballroom dance shoes with a low wide heel such as 2 inches by 2 
 > inches probably with straps and possibly open toes or partially open toes as 
 > that color would go well with a lot of my navy blue clothing and that type 
 > would be very comfortable not only to ballroom dance in but for any dressy 
 > occasion such as attending concerts, nice dinners, etc. - more comfortable 
 > at my age than narrow high heels are. I have been looking high and low for 
 > this type of shoe for myself including online in your area and in the Santa 
 > Rosa area. Evidently navy blue is a very hard color to find in shoes. When I 
 > was unable to find any in the SB area, I special ordered some to be 
 > manufactured for me in Riverside (the LA area), but when they arrived 
 > recently they were the wrong fit and our local shoe repair shop was unable 
 > to fix them, so I had to return them getting my money back. I, therefore, 
 > have learned not to buy shoes online nor in a situation that I didn't try 
 > them on beforehand. Could you please investigate for me ballroom dance shoe 
 > stores in your area to see if they carry this kind of shoe, so that when we 
 > are there we can save time by knowing exactly where to go to try them on. 
 > Generally my shoe size is 7 1/2 narrow (A), but sometimes I can wear an 8 
 > and sometimes a B medium width. I already contacted Magic Dance at 165 
 > Blossom Hill Rd. in where-I-live, but found out that they now only do an online 
 > business, so that's out. Capezios in Cupertino only have such shoes in black 
 > or tan so that's out. Dance Shoes & Apparel (aka Victoria's Dance & Costume) 
 > at 1921 W. San Carlos St. or 376 Race St., where-I-live doesn't have this kind 
 > of shoe when I phoned them. The Ballroom Connection at 1111 W. El Camino 
 > Real in Sunnyvale is a possibility, but they might cost about $160.00 which 
 > is a lot, and I would have to be fitted there after I find a style I like 
 > and then they would order them in the navy blue color I want, but they are 
 > non-returnable. They also mentioned the possibility of my buying a style of 
 > shoe I like in white and then taking them to my local Goleta shoe repair 
 > shop to be dyed navy blue which can be done at about $26.00 if they are in 
 > leather and not vinyl material. This might be the way I end up going if can'
 > t find navy blue in a store. There is also The Dance Shop in San Rafael and 
 > Petaluma that has ballroom dance shoes which might also be a possibility.
 > Please let me know what you find out regarding the shoes. Anyway it would 
 > give me one something to do while perhaps Robert and Don do something else 
 > together assuming they probably would not enjoy shoe shopping, especially 
 > when it's obviously going to be so difficult. Hopefully where-I-live has some 
 > entertainment pages like our Scene or Independent that can help you with 
 > ideas that we all can do together while there. Keep us posted regarding what 
 > ideas you are coming up with for fun things we can do together. Perhaps one 
 > evening we could go to the movies together as we haven't had a chance to see 
 > many of the really good movies that were released recently that might be 
 > Academy Award winners. We have seen and loved Flight and Argo. We haven't 
 > seen yet but want to Anna Karenina, Hitchcock, Lincoln, and Life of Pi 
 > unless we get a chance to go to one of them this Fri. eve. as we already 
 > have other commitments to attend this Wed. and Thurs. eve.
 > Look forward to hearing from you soon, and of course we are looking forward 
 > to seeing you over the Christmas Eve. weekend. If there isn't a lot to do in 
 > the where-I-live area, we might change our reservation and arrive on the 23rd 
 > instead of the 22nd as we always have lots of projects, etc. to do here, 
 > especially if that's easier for you two. I will bring up Christmas cards to 
 > write as haven't done any yet as can always do that in the hotel/motel room 
 > while Don does something else? If the weather is going to be rainy, do you 
 > have a Curves or Spectrum gym there as if so I/we could always get some 
 > excercise that way (by bringing a member guest pass if we know ahead) to 
 > counteract all the wonderful Holiday eating.
 > Love,
 > Gail
 > http://www.cox.net/~g3

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