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Fw: [svtransitusers] VTA's "Respect Drives Us" campaign

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First off: condolences and sympathies must go out to the victims and their families affected by today's massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, CT. Let us think about them in our thoughts tonight. Simultaneously, consider contacting your representatives in Congress and at the Ca state level to ensure such massacres do not repeat themselves.

Locally, VTA has launched a "Respect Drives Us" campaign to highlight the need to provide a safer, pleasant transit experience in Silicon Valley. This is clearly a long-overdue effort by VTA. Some of our own reminders about being secure on buses and trains have been posted here and on the web site for several YEARS. Makes you wonder what has taken VTA to recognize this problem. What do you think of VTA's "Respect" campaign? What questions should we as a group bring up to VTA's attention regarding their "Respect Drives Us" campaign?


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At VTA, our goal is to provide customers with a safe, comfortable trip every time they ride our system.  Clean vehicles, reliable service, and nice amenities like WiFi on the light rail, are just a few things that can make taking transit an enjoyable way to get around our county. 

One thing that can quickly detract from this pleasant environment is someone on board the vehicle, or at a bus stop or station platform that does not care how his/her behavior or words affect fellow passengers or the vehicle operator. 

This disrespect for the rights of others can quickly escalate from a mere annoyance to a highly volatile situation that can threaten the safety of our system.  For this reason, VTA is launching a campaign, "Respect Drives Us" to reinforce the VTA Code of Conduct while riding on our system, as well as to remind customers of things they can do when they find themselves in such a situation.
As the campaign progresses in the coming months, we will highlight various situations that passengers and VTA staff may encounter, and how to respond. We will describe specific steps that can be taken to restore the peace and, if needed, to summon assistance.  Situations will include bullying, harassment, noise, and vandalism. 

For the safety and comfort of our operator and all who ride our buses and trains, we are asking for your commitment and support for this campaign.  We hope you will visit our website to find out more about the campaign, as well as to share your suggestions for ensuring a pleasant time on VTA.

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