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Re: books about the Unibomber?

 > From: "k" <http://www.kathaus.org/~cat>
 > Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 10:48:41 -0800
 > Hey Robert,
 > glad your nephew likes to read.  When you say Unabomber-
 > like, do you mean he is anti-civilization or do you mean he 
 > wants to harm people?

Actually, my mom is worried about both.

 > On the later, no suggestions.  On the former there are 
 > several options.  "Uncivilized: The Best of Green Anarchy" 
 > is an anthology from that zine.  "Desert" is a small, dense 
 > book that takes things in another direction.
 > There are also the classics from John Zerzan, "Elements of 
 > Refusal" and  "Twilight of the Machines"
 > Take a look at www.littleblackcart.com  all these and more 
 > can be found there.

Cool, thanks.

As it turns out, I've been told that my brother-in-law censors books that
I send as gifts.  Sorta like living in a prison, or house
arrest/confinement.  So, although you book listing contains great
suggestions, I fear I may not be able to get around the

Maybe a journal or magazine subscription would work since it'd be harder
for my brother-in-law to censor every piece of mail.  I think.

 > How old is your nephew, by the way?  Some books are denser, 
 > more theory laden than others.  If he has had some college 
 > or can operate at that level none of these is out of reach, 
 > though the more familiar he is with various theorists the 
 > more he'll get out of them.  But, hey, we've all got to 
 > start somewhere, right?

He's read Jared Diamond's "Collapse".  So, he could probably handle the
theory, I suspect.

P.S. Sorry for misspelling "umabomber".  Guess it's been so long since
there were news headlines with that...

 > --K
 > ---------- Original Message -----------
 > From: http://dummy.us.eu.org/robert (Robert)
 > To: http://www.gmail.com/~katnipempire (kathryn), http://www.kathaus.org/~cat 
 > (kathryn)
 > Cc: http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg (Noelle), 
 > http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg (Noelle)
 > Sent: 6 Dec 2012 08:22:29 -0800
 > Subject: books about the Unibomber?
 > > Kathryn,
 > > 
 > > My mom is afraid that my nephew [the same nephew 
 > > who will be receiving the 2013 Slingshot] is 
 > > becoming unibomber-like.
 > > 
 > > Of course, I don't think that's a bad thing per-se.
 > > 
 > > He's a big reader.  Could you suggest a book about 
 > > Ted Kaczynski that I could give him for the holidays?

Why do you want this page removed?