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Re: Usefulness of sqlAlchemy at Edge_Spring

 > From: Bill Bruns <http://profiles.yahoo.com/billbruns>
 > Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 23:05:50 -0800 (PST)
 > Hello RObert,
 > This is just for my curiosity.
 > If you feel comfortable doing so, then ask Jason whether he received my email a 
 > couple of weeks ago about sqlAlchemy,
 > and whether it looks useful to him or not.


 > Here is the background:
 > During the interview, Jason asked about what SQL library we used at 
 > TellyTopia/Concerrent
 > TT used sqlAlchemy; ES uses pySql
 > sqlalchemy works with many DB systems; pysql only is for Oracle
 > pysql has Oracle-specific functions such as "compare schema A and B"
 > I am also curious about what you yourself think of sqlAlchemy.

I agree -- it looks like, if one has to use an SQL-based database system
at all, using sqlAlchemy would be the way to go.  Since it can sit on top
of pysql, you could always access pysql when Oracle-specific stuff needs
to be done.

 > See you on Monday morning.
 > Bill

Why do you want this page removed?