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Re: [** ISO-8859-15 charset **] Occupy San José anniversary, this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 6-7, noon to noon (fwd)

Are we planning on a visit?

 > From: Noelle <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>
 > Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 08:12:53 -0700 (PDT)
 > --8323329-923398750-1349449974=:4384
 > Content-ID: <http://www.zvav.qhzzl.ab-vc.pbz/~alpine.DEB.2.02.1210050812451.4384>
 > Content-Description: Forwarded Message
 > Content-Disposition: inline
 > Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2012 19:36:31 -0700
 > From: Spencer Graves <http://www.prodsyse.com/~spencer.graves>
 > To: david ledesma <http://www.hotmail.com/~svtriathlete>, Sandy Perry <http://www.aol.com/~PerrySandy>,
 >         "Pat O'Connell" <http://www.gmail.com/~patocsj1>,
 >         Richard Hobbs <http://www.msn.com/~richhobbs>,
 >         Elaine <http://www.gmail.com/~elaine.esq>,
 >         Victor Shklyar <http://www.gmail.com/~victor.shklyar>,
 >         Kyra Kazantzis <http://www.lawfoundation.org/~kyrak>,
 >         Shelby Minister <http://profiles.yahoo.com/shelby.minister>, http://www.gmail.com/~jerompm,
 >         Hector S <http://profiles.yahoo.com/truthinker32>, Denise Hale <http://profiles.yahoo.com/evolving5>,
 >         Bill Ferguson <http://www.bill-ferguson.org/~bill>, Grady <http://profiles.yahoo.com/gradyinsocal>,
 >         Katrina Walker <http://www.gmail.com/~walker.katrina11>,
 >         "Adam W." <http://profiles.yahoo.com/sjiww>, Laura Allen <http://www.hotmail.com/~lauraallen55>,
 >         No <http://dummy.us.eu.org/noelleg>, Alicia Rice <http://www.gmail.com/~alicialrice>,
 >         NoName ForThem <http://www.gmail.com/~99forus>,
 >         Eddie Cisneros <http://www.gmail.com/~eddiesiskiyou>,
 >         Butler Joy <http://profiles.yahoo.com/joyfaith7771>, "Victor S." <http://www.gmail.com/~sega27>,
 >         Jon Landry <http://www.gmail.com/~jonlandry22>, Cliff Rawson <http://www.gmail.com/~elcliffo1>,
 >         Karita Hummer <http://www.gmail.com/~karitamiragliahummer>,
 >         Shawna Rose Nixon <http://www.care2.com/~laedyrose>,
 >         Arnold Gutierrez <http://www.gmail.com/~awwwnold>
 > Hello, All:
 >        Occupy San José is planning a first anniversary celebration this 
 > weekend.  Please distribute the info to anyone you know who might be 
 > interested, and come by any time convenient for you.
 >        Best Wishes,
 >        Spencer
 > p.s.  We've so far been unable to get a permit from the City. Sorry, the 
 > First Amendment is only words on paper.  In the most brutal, repressive 
 > dictatorship on earth, people have the right to say what they want and 
 > peaceably assemble and petition for a redress of grievances as long as 
 > their speech and assembly pleases the authorities.  The American Civil 
 > Liberties Union (ACLU) says that free speech means nothing unless it's 
 > freedom to say unpopular things.  We do not plan to challenge the 
 > police, some of whom have lost their homes to foreclosure.  Still, if 
 > you come, you might be ready to take pictures at any time.
 > -------- Original Message --------
 > Subject: 	Occuversary
 > Date: 	Tue, 2 Oct 2012 21:09:23 -0700 (PDT)
 > From: 	Cory Andis <http://www.sbcglobal.net/~corycando>
 > To: 	Shaunn Cartwright <http://www.hotmail.com/~iq4rent>, Conrad 
 > <http://www.hotmail.com/~pihi314>, Owen Thaxton <http://www.gmail.com/~chudbabies>, Spencer 
 > Graves <http://www.prodsyse.com/~spencer.graves>, Joseph Rosas 
 > <http://www.gmail.com/~cottonswab>, Susie Barton <http://www.gmail.com/~tsubaka360>
 > a Revamp
 > 12-1           Gather, set-up
 > 1-2             March to Banks
 > 2-4             What's going on?,,,,Really, really free market (Cory)
 >                                                 Sign making Face 
 > painting (Owen)
 >                                                 Making of large Occupy 
 > sign (Cory)
 > 4-6             Speakers - we got any?  SEIU, Voluntarios, Sandy Perry
 >                    What if we have a speakers corner (like in London) 
 > and this is where our
 >                    speakers will speak...and anyone else who wants to, 
 > plus anyone poetry
 >                    jamming....could have sign up sheet.
 > 6-7             Chow down
 > 7-10           Games --- Ideas...charades with political bent, occupy 
 > olympics, scavenger
 >                                              hunt, mock debate about 
 > politics taking opposing sides.
 >                    Visuals - slide show...ongoing (Owen & Joseph)
 > 10-7           Dont know....music?..talking?
 > 7AM - 10    Coffee, chow...couple of games? do charades here?
 > 10-12         Breakdown & clean up
 > Are we having GA  at 12:00?

Why do you want this page removed?