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Fw: Jeremy's knee surgery

Good Morning, everyone -

We still have problems with our computer (keys get so stuck) and  we'll
be having a tune up down the line, but in the meantime my emails are
scarce because of my great frustration with the slow, stuck typing.  It
can freeze for quite some time.

I'd like to ask however that you please say a little prayer for Jeremy. 
He's going for knee surgery tomorrow and all should be well, but I'd
still appreciate your prayers.  If you have any comments please send them
here though (instead of to Jeremy) since he's as private as his dad for
this kind of thing.

Some time ago Jeremy tore the ligament (known as ACL... Anterior
Cruciform Ligament) in his knee, so they'll be surgically opening the
knee and taking a piece of the patella ligament to repair the damage. 
Recovery is expected to be from 2 to 4 wks, and his surgery is tomorrow
morning from around 9 am to noon.

Thanks so much for your love and prayers.  I really appreciate it.

Much love to each of you,
Anne Marie and Artie

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