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Fw: Vegan Shift: Video series

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To help people in transition, also be sure to look at
-- "a medical librarian's adventures in evidence-based living"
(This should appeal to people who say they're doing fine, eating
mediterranean style, and don't want to be social pariahs, or who want to
avoid taking statins or other drugs, or who will be persuaded only by the
numbers (cholesterol etc.) and medical studies.)
She started out 4 years ago eating a mediterranean diet with fish, thinking
she was doing well, but looked at the research and decided to see if she
could do better. It turned out that going no-oil vegan was dramatically
healthier, and she posts the results of her blood tests. She's a foodie
who's always posting great recipes (creative but not complicated and with
easy-to-find ingredients -- lots of beautiful photos too!) and loves to eat
socially, so there's good advice for people who don't realize going vegan
will make them enjoy food more and be able to eat as much as they like and
still lose weight (which seems to be a big concern for many people who
comment on her blog). As she notes on her Centenarian Strategies page, one
of her main motivations was to avoid the fate of her parents, who declined
in their later years. She's in her early 60s and wanted to be able to enjoy
her grandchildren, not be a burden to her kids. On a recent family-reunion
beach holiday, she says she had more energy than she'd had in her 30s,
thanks to diet and exercise. And several of her relatives have also tried
out no-oil vegan and are sticking with it for health reasons, so the
potlucks at her beach holiday had many vegan choices.

It's a totally different approach from what I see at some vegan
conferences, and it may also appeal to those who are so repelled by photos
or videos of animal cruelty that they don't hear the rest of the message.
She doesn't address animal/environment issues but her enthusiasm for eating
this way is huge. It may also appeal to people who are turned off by the
word "vegan" -- she generally calls it "plant-strong." The blog covers
other aspects of health as well -- psychological strategies, the importance
of good sleep, exercise, etc.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Paris Harvey <http://profiles.yahoo.com/allmiracles2>wrote:

> **
> ?The Vegan Shift? is a whole foods, plant-based membership program that
> helps people transition to a vegan diet easily so they can enjoy radiant
> health, reduce their footprint on the planet, and help alleviate animal
> suffering. Learn more at http://theveganshift.com/ and share!
> i ordered this to see how it is.

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