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Re: late summer potluck

 > From: Bill Bruns <http://profiles.yahoo.com/billbruns>
 > Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 11:29:22 -0700 (PDT)
 > Robert,
 > Yes, I did the http - in fact I clicked on the link in your email.
 > And as you may see from Noelle's email, I was not the only one.
 > Probably early responders like myself and the other guy were the ones that 
 > encountered the problem.
 > However, today it works.  Perhaps it took time for the files to be published?

Actually, the problems were more subtle than that.

After looking at the http request log, apparently, IE looks for a file
called favicon.ico and, if not found, considers the entire request a "404
file not found".  So, I just created a file called favicon.ico and made it
world-readable and that fixed that problem.

The second problem was that some browsers (i.e., not Firefox) are more
picky about redirects and, because I had the wrong domain name in the meta
redirect in index.html , it was redirecting to an unknown domain name and
that was considered a "404".

I don't know why these problems didn't crop up last time.

 > Bill

Why do you want this page removed?