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Fw: [SouthBayVeggies] “Meatless Monday” is Unstoppable

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The Meatless Monday movement has been steadily gaining momentum and fans. Thanks to the increasing awareness about the benefits of a plant-based diet on our health, the environment and animals, more people are choosing meatless meals at home and elsewhere. Fast food restaurants are also slowly catching up. Subway, Moe’s, Burger King, etc. are offering already meatless options and many also offer vegan options. And as the writer of the article, Ellen Kanner, explains it, it’s all about the power of the consumer: “Very nice, but for the most part, fast food franchises do not act out of love. They do it to accommodate consumer demand. They do it because it's good business to give the people what they want. We're here, we're meatless, get used to it and if you want our money and market share, feed us.” Please visit Meatless Monday: Chain Reaction 
We are affecting everything around us, including what food businesses serve. After all, when we take a stand against exploitation and victimization, people listen and therefore companies change the way they do business. Every single time a person chooses to adopt a plant-based diet, the world becomes a better place. 
Lorena Mucke~ CVA 
Paris Harvey  Why Vegan? (a short video). 
Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or exploit in any way. We are not their "owners". We are their guardians.   Think you can be an environmentalist and still eat meat? Think again... Meats Not Green 
Don't go to animal circuses! Ringling breaks the spirit of elephants when they're vulnerable babies who should still be with their mothers. Unsuspecting parents planning a family trip to the circus don't know about the violent training sessions with ropes, bullhooks, and electric shock prods that elephants endure.

No cage free. No Free Range. No slavery. No torture. No compromise.... Stop eating dead animals!
Santa Clara County Activists For Animals

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