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Receipt Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship


This charge will appear as "Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship" on your credit card statement. We recommend that you print a copy of this receipt for comparison with your credit card statement, as well as for your personal records.

Sunday, June 24, 2012 [8:23:00 PM]

Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship
Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship
box 381
Toledo, Oregon 97391
Email : http://www.gmail.com/~fsrn.development
Phone : 510-931-5775

Thanks for Your Payment
Thank you for making a tax-deductible contribution to keep FSRN on the air.

Price Tax Deductible Quantity Total
Become a Contributor to FSRN
Thank you for your unrestricted gift.
$10.00 $10.00 1 $10.00
Subtotal $10.00

Total $10.00

Transaction Summary
Order Number: 12624202319115413
Authorization Code: 025370
Transaction Number: 4fe6dd03-cd5b-3000-0063-0003bac0f0a1
Name on Card: Robert
MasterCard [xxxx xxxx xxxx 8334]

Billing Information
United States of America

Comments & Other Info:
Comments =
What brought you to this donation web page? : web browsing = Not Checked
What brought you to this donation web page? : an email from FSRN = Not Checked
What brought you to this donation web page? : postal mail from FSRN = Not Checked
What brought you to this donation web page? : other, please tell us in comments = Not Checked
What radio station do you listen to FSRN on? =

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12962:55009[Keep FSRN's Flame Burning!]:Pay-5|P.5.20120618.

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Description: Binary data

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