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Re: A favor please


 > From: Flora  <http://profiles.yahoo.com/flora>
 > Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 16:34:58 -0400
 > Hi Anne Marie,
 > How about the Common Man or some other local restaurant?
 > How about a show - comedy club, band that is coming to the area, or a car or 
 > computer show? One of the best gifts that I ever received was to see a show at 
 > a local venue. 
 > Hope this helps. See you at the retirement party. 
 > Flora
 > On May 17, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Anne Marie Lavigne <http://profiles.yahoo.com/ajamlavigne> wrote:
 > >  
 > > Hi Flora, and a quick one for now...
 > >  
 > > Artie and I would love to give your dad a gift card for his retirement.  Any 
 > > ideas as to where though... and also the more ideas, the better okay.  
 > > Something that might bring a smile to his face.  
 > >  
 > > Thank you so much... and our love and best to you, Tim, and your wonderful 
 > > fam as well!
 > >  
 > > ~Anne Marie

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