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Thanks for Mother's Day card.
In love,
Ma, Mother, BhavaniMa and YMIL
Your Card
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Happy Mothers Day Mother Earth!

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers of the world.

But an even bigger 'Happy Mothers Day' to Mother Earth, for sustaining our existence, for letting us know when we have done something wrong to her. For always being there when we awake, for giving us her warm Sun and her moon and stars to light our night.

Thank you Mother Earth, for giving us your beautiful garden of flowers and trees, of streams and lakes of Mountains and Hills. Thank you Mother Earth for letting us toil your soil to feed our young, for giving us rain to grow our seeds, for giving us oxygen so we can breath.

Thank you Mother Earth for giving us a platform to experience our life, to learn from wrong and right. Thank you for housing all the creatures of our Creator, from the small to the large.

Thank you for giving us a chance to mend our ways to change what we have done to show you how important and loved you are.

Thank you Mother Earth for giving us life, and for taking us back to your bosom when we have finished our term.

Thank you for being there, a constant in our life. It is time for us to look after you now. It is time for us to show our true appreciation for all you give and do for us.

So today, as we celebrate Mothers Day on top of our list is a BIG I LOVE YOU to the worlds Mother - Mother Earth.

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