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FW: early summer potluck

 > From: Yimei Zhang <http://profiles.yahoo.com/imeizhang>
 > Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:27:02 -0700 (PDT)
 > Robert,
 > It is nice to hear from you. How are you doing at your new place? I
 > have not got a chance to ask you which company you are with now.
 > You know i am with Media Room now. Here we follow agile model, scrum,
 > sprint and TDD. It is expected that when the dev's code is in, the
 > testers test automation will be done.
 > It is pure white box testing at this stage. Quite different from
 > Tell_me days.  And all C#, Windows Azure etc. It has been keeping me
 > busy for the past couple of months for me to get used to all this. I
 > am glad that I have learned a lot and started contributing to
 > projects now.
 > Thanks a lot to Noelle and you for the invitation. As I am going to
 > have a baby this coming July, it won't be convenient for me to come
 > over. I wish your guests and your family a very pleasant and relaxing
 > weekend together. 
 > yimei

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