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Re: Fw: where-I-live Freecycle Attention Needed

My zip is .  (Sorry, I used a text-based mailer and attachments are
difficult for me to deal with.)


 > From: where-I-live Mods
 > Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 21:43:56 -0700 (PDT)
 > Please note the highlighted sentences below.=0A=0A=A0=0Awhere-I-live Mods=0A=0A=
 > ----- Forwarded Message -----=0AFrom: where-I-live Mods <http://profiles.yahoo.com/sjfcmods>=0A=
 > To: where-I-live Mods <http://profiles.yahoo.com/sjfcmods> =0ASent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:4=
 > 5 AM=0ASubject: Fw: where-I-live Freecycle Attention Needed=0A =0A=0A=0A=A0=0AS=
 > an  Mods=0A=0A=0A-----=0AForwarded Message -----=0A=0A=0AFrom:=A0San Jo=
 > se Mods <http://profiles.yahoo.com/sjfcmods>=0ATo:=A0where-I-live Mods <http://profiles.yahoo.com/sjfcmods>=A0=
 > =0ASent:=A0Tuesday, February 14, 2012 5:03 PM=0ASubject:=A0where-I-live Freecyc=
 > le Attention Needed=0A=A0=0AWe=0Areceived a request for you to join=A0San J=
 > ose=A0Freecycle. You were sent a file containing the=0Amessage below, but w=
 > e did not hear back from you. We'd very much like for you=0Ato join us here=
 >  - but cannot approve your membership without this=0Ainformation.=A0Unfortu=
 > nately if we do not receive this within 48 hours your=0Arequest will be rem=
 > oved=A0from our system.=0Athanks in advance=0A=A0 =A0=A0=0Awhere-I-live Mods=0A=
 > =A0 =A0=A0=0AThank you for your interest in The Freecycle=A0Network(TM).=0A=
 > In order to reduce the incidents of spam on the=0Alist,=A0the=A0where-I-live Fr=
 > eecycle(TM) Group has had to institute a=A0policy=A0of moderating membershi=
 > ps.=A0We apologize for the inconvenience,=0Abut it will=A0provide a=A0much =
 > more pleasant experience for you once you are a=A0member.=0A=0ASimply=A0sen=
 > dan email with your zip code http://profiles.yahoo.com/to=A0sjfcmods=A0within 72 hours and =
 > you should be approved.=0A=0APlease read the list of rules, as they provide=
 > =0Amuch=A0information=A0to make your Freecycle adventure easier and more=A0=
 > effective,=A0and remember to Have Fun and=0ATell THREE (...or more)=A0peopl=
 > e about Freecycle!=A0=0A=A0=0AYour where-I-live Freecycle Moderator Team

Why do you want this page removed?